View Full Version : Virtual Hugs

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  1. Life is running away on me
  2. Anxiety
  3. All I want is to be healthy.
  4. Birthday depression
  5. Dont see how I will ever be better
  6. Whining
  7. Grandmother having major surgery today - so scared, and was having a bad time already
  8. Hugs to everybody here in the USA
  9. Nobody seems to understand stand.
  10. Whining again
  11. Thanks
  12. Ibs
  13. Money
  14. Need help
  15. The small things often mean the most.
  16. brucealmighty
  17. wish
  18. The things people say...what really shits you?
  19. A day in the life of Brian
  20. worried
  21. Going through a bad patch once again
  22. Wow, I just need a hug right now
  23. bad night
  24. When you can't express yourself because everyone turns to you for help
  25. Fishmanpa
  26. For pulisa x.
  27. Rough time
  28. she back in the hospital
  29. Hugs & Safe Keeping To Our Friends Across The Pond
  30. Weekends are the worst.
  31. Perfect life or is it
  32. Doing my best to not go down that road again
  33. Sending Beth A Big Hug
  34. So lost and confused about my relationship
  35. Harsh words from Father
  36. Just letting it all out.
  37. For flipp xx
  38. Mermaid16
  39. Out of Hours GP
  40. struggling at work
  41. today
  42. Hugs
  43. I'm done with trying.
  44. Very Similar Story To MrJones
  45. good job I went
  46. I think my marriage is over
  47. anybody
  48. Another job rejection.
  49. Looks like Iam going to have to start all over again.
  50. Broken my finger :-(
  51. Mermaid16
  52. Just woke up feeling sick and panicking
  53. Hugs and love to Berlin
  54. What A Day/Week/Month
  55. Crappy end to a year
  56. Will things ever change for me??
  57. Thanks
  58. Hi
  59. Beta blockers and anti depressants
  60. A poem I wrote.
  61. Symptoms / signs
  62. Bad panic attack
  63. Had enough today
  64. On A Right Downer Today Folks
  65. So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do
  66. Sometimes I hate my husband
  67. Another Lonely Night :(
  68. Need a hug!
  69. Hypochondria/SAD has ruined my life. Just need to vent.
  70. Feels like I'm going mad .. help
  71. Good-bye hugs
  72. Feel worthless
  73. Breast lump.. Cancer?!
  74. Feel like my life is over.
  75. Thanks
  76. Need some hugs please !!
  77. Karina (flipp)
  78. Need Some Hugs Today Folks
  79. Feel like giving up
  80. Let's hope 2017 is better than 2016
  81. For Carnation x
  82. Going through another worry this time it penile cancer worry
  83. Wishing Safety & Support To Members In London
  84. Another year older and it's getting me down.
  85. Family upset
  86. My brain is terrible
  87. Happy Mother.s day
  88. Getting scared
  89. Over 4 months since "seasonal virus". And I still haven't recovered
  90. So tired and lonely right now
  91. Virtual Hug
  92. Beautiful morning here
  93. Another beautiful morning here..
  94. Big hugs to anyone that needs them ..
  95. Just popped in
  96. Hugs and support to people in Manchester
  97. Sending the biggest hugs to you all today and always ❤️
  98. Could really use a hug today
  99. Pray for the world
  100. Some people are the worst
  101. Just need a hug
  102. Ugh... bit of a flare up today
  103. Hugs for KeeKee Please
  104. Why is it so difficult for some people to understand??
  105. Is anyone offering
  106. Could use hugs, this has been the worst week of my life
  107. Fed up of my own Dad
  108. My anxiety got so bad I had to be hospitalised
  109. Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.
  110. I wonder if I will ever find love!
  111. Hugs For The Private People
  112. In need of a warm and tight hug. :(
  113. A virtual hug would be lovely
  114. I feel so sorry for myself!
  115. Bad news at scan, really not coping well.
  116. Is there a way out?
  117. Hugs For Londoners
  118. Things getting on top of me - work, builders, expense etc
  119. College and Mood problems
  120. Family please help
  121. Back to work... Wish me luck
  122. Moving back was a big mistake
  123. Hugs to the USA
  124. Feeling so awful..
  125. Feeling rough
  126. Hugs For American Members
  127. Oh bother
  128. Arkoftruth is sad
  129. I need a hug i cant take anymore!
  130. I just feel like crap
  131. Still Smiling Through
  132. Finally had a diagnosis
  133. One of those night....
  134. Is 'ok' enough?
  135. Virtual hug (grumble about nhs)
  136. Need to vent
  137. Got better..... But I'm back.
  138. Can't take it anymore
  139. Stalker won’t leave me alone
  140. Another job interview with no good result
  141. International Womens Day.
  142. Big Hugs for Magic, a wonderful lady.
  143. Ooof, stress is way up
  144. My girlfriend and I broke up yesterday
  145. Ever been in love with BPD suffer?
  146. I am so unhappy
  147. Hugs for Jayne
  148. Just Need A Hug
  149. Breastfeeding journey may be ending
  150. When it all gets too much
  151. It frustrates me that no guys in person that I met that are not on dating sites ?
  152. Need a hug again
  153. Travel Anxiety
  154. Could do with some virtual hugs
  155. Hi
  156. I need hugs and kindness
  157. World Suicide Prevention Day 10th Sept
  158. I miss my mom in college
  159. Just lost a friend...
  160. Homesick again
  161. Upset
  162. Carnation
  163. Work Related Panic and Stress
  164. Going to Lose Job as Result of Anxiety
  165. Phar
  166. Best wishes to Pulisa for treatment tomorrow
  167. Thank you Alex :)
  168. Letting go of a best friend
  169. I need some hugs
  170. Feeling anxious and sad
  171. Poorly kitten
  172. Thank you April
  173. SnowyGreen
  174. The admins and chat room staff
  175. leaving for school
  176. The whole forum
  177. SarahNah - giving hugs to my friend
  178. tired of anxiety
  179. Stressful day just want to cry
  180. Just want to hide away
  181. anxious
  182. Hugs requested, please?
  183. Nervous wreck
  184. hugs
  185. I am constantly attacked online and in person
  186. Feeling sorry for myself
  187. need a moan
  188. it's getting to be too much.
  189. Phone stolen, feeling vulnerable and nervous.
  190. For all the forum staffs here
  191. Oh I need a hug, please and thank you.
  192. Just need a hug
  193. Sending Hugs
  194. Hugs to everyone here
  195. tired tired tired tired tired of it all, need hugs
  196. Biggest virtual hug to all
  197. For Pamplemousse....
  198. For Glassgirlw...
  199. Big hugs for our Admins
  200. Silly sadness pre-cataract op, need a hug!
  201. Hugs, please
  202. Hugs for Nic xxx
  203. My brother has died
  204. Pam
  205. Just found out some sad news
  206. House sale falling through and huge relapse. Friends becoming an issue..
  207. Need a hug right now
  208. My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...
  209. Lost my dad suddenly 6 weeks ago. Struggling with numbness from grief
  210. Sending a virtual hug
  211. Mother's Day (UK)
  212. niece in hospital
  213. Nic (NoMorePanic)
  214. Knee Surgery for my Dad
  215. Lost my Job
  216. Moan about the job I applied for recently
  217. My cat died today and I'm feeling pretty numb from a rough year
  218. Can anyone be my virtual Mum
  219. Sick and away from home - I need a hug
  220. I Need A Hug
  221. Step Grandad had a scan last week
  222. I can't cope anymore
  223. One of my Uncle's not got long to live
  224. scary incident happened to where I live
  225. Needing a hug again
  226. Hugs needed
  227. Mum