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  1. Base of head pain
  2. Anthrax fear
  3. Cancer Fear, neck spine.
  4. Had a dream I vomited blood?
  5. Please help! Stomach or colon issues. Google is scaring me
  6. Is it possible to be anxious when do dont think you are?
  7. My many worries
  8. Migraine with Aura both eyes ?
  9. Back in my old ways
  10. Food Poisioning Fears
  11. Dent in ankle or shin...what is normal?
  12. Child started having migraines - I'm so worried
  13. I need some advice and or help, please.
  14. Ate mouldy apples
  15. Constantly misreading words/brain fog?
  16. Cancer Fear Stool Color
  17. Deaf after having ear syringed
  18. Health anxiety: what's real and what's not?
  19. Dentist appt for sore tooth. Scared!
  20. Sarcoma fear, really upset.
  21. Should I sleep after banging head
  22. Freaking out about Dementia
  23. Chest cold?!
  24. Rheumatologist appointment tomorrow
  25. Blood pressure
  26. Needle aspiration/biopsy of son's brain
  27. Left side chest pain worries
  28. Freaking out over left side temple tightness/pressure
  29. Scalp tingle at night
  30. Please help! Freaking out, very low vit B12
  31. Fish bone in tonsil. Had such a freak out
  32. Had to bring relative to the hospital
  33. Help please ! Trying to stay away from dr. Google
  34. Please help what could it be?
  35. Moles in private part
  36. Anxiety, friend had tests...
  37. Cannot get over this illness
  38. Talcum powder Ovarian C panic
  39. Health anxiety regarding ex partner: currently on the edge of the abyss
  40. Burned throat... breathing panic
  41. Weird feeling in eyes, don't really know how to explain it
  42. HA is a monster.
  43. Contemplating pregnancy, with health anxiety
  44. Hate myself
  45. Good news from neuro... trying to fight the feeling of doubt
  46. Anaesthetic/Local Anaesthetic
  47. How my mind works
  48. My Current Numerous Worries
  49. uggghhhh. Heart stuff.
  50. Cold and flu season, any of you deal with a fever but no respritory or congestion?
  51. Night sweats every night
  52. Groin node feels longer.
  53. HA returning
  54. Four year old has petechiae
  55. Dealing with HA when feeling ill
  56. My Neuro Worries Or Am I Going Crazy
  57. Incredibly stressful few weeks = Anxiety Surge!
  58. Freaked out with Pneumonia
  59. Woke Up So Sick!!
  60. Panic before diagnostic scans/tests.
  61. Dry mouth/VERY increased thirst
  62. Pulmonary Embolism
  63. Reccuring Symptom Log
  64. Medication induced food allergy??
  65. Sinus pain with no discharge....to the doctor or not. Ugh.
  66. Blood pressure results !!
  67. Vision Issues/Scared of Tumor
  68. Anxiety cause calf cramps?
  69. Lump in the palm of my hand
  70. Blood Tests showing Inflammation-I've no idea what is going on
  71. Freaking out because of Splinter hemorrhages!
  72. Mole
  73. Losing significant weight after a cold virus?
  74. A mess waiting for mole biopsy
  75. Help please
  76. Head pressure
  77. Arm aching - red marks? Blood clot?
  78. Food stuck in oesphagus??
  79. Strep? Or just a cold?!
  80. Christmas anxiety
  81. Update - not good news, optic disc drusen
  82. Legionnaires in Stagnant water concern?
  83. HA flare - needing to vent
  84. Very mild ghosting in vision
  85. Really scared I have colon cancer
  86. Worried I'm losing weight too fast and that I'm sick with everything.
  87. Accepting the doctor's opinion
  88. Pelvic Pain sparked Health Anxiety
  89. Irrational Thoughts/Voodoo Death
  90. Neti Pot with Bottled Water!!!
  91. aching in ribs
  92. Strange sensations in head
  93. Drank possibly contaminated fountain soda, abdominal cramps & diarrhea, what to do?
  94. How did you or are you beating this?
  95. Documenting panic attack symptoms for the HA people...
  96. New symptoms at Xmas. Who else?
  97. Convinced I have pancreatic cancer
  98. Possible blood clot in arm
  99. Throat nausea - GERD, illness or the A word?
  100. help! convinced i am dying!
  101. Has anyone tried Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?
  102. Severe health anxiety
  103. Oral Cancer fear - black spot on tongue. Please help - feeling sick
  104. Mixed up my SILs at Christmas - back in health anxiety spiral
  105. could this be an early sign of diabetes?
  106. Does anyone else go in spurts of feeling completely fine?
  107. Worried About Feeling In Upper Back
  108. Eye flashes
  109. My girlfriend
  110. Pneumonia
  111. Seriously concerned i have cancer
  112. Feeling so defeated
  113. I think I have throat cancer
  114. Right sided throat pain
  115. Acanthamoeba Keratitis
  116. Hip pain - power of the mind
  117. Chesty cough for 4 weeks
  118. Help please I'm breaking down
  119. Reaching out
  120. Odd head pain behind and around right eye.
  121. Gums bleeding consistently
  122. Left supraclavicular lymph node swelling and flu shot?
  123. Fear of Spinal Tumor back !!!! Help
  124. Alway Scared
  125. So fed up.
  126. Freaking out about flying
  127. Internal Tremors
  128. Inhaled a piece of food
  129. What must it be like to NOT have HA?
  130. I was just in a mild but shocking car accident - should I be worried?
  131. Average age on here?
  132. Should I be concerned about these symptoms?
  133. Worried about bad headache in forehead area
  134. Help please health anxiety attack
  135. Meningitis rash?
  136. Health and holidays
  137. Fear of rheumatoid arthritis and I have a legitimate reason to be afraid this time.
  138. Painful sore throat
  139. What could this be?? weird symptoms
  140. Is back pain concerning?
  141. Sudden head rush while seated?
  142. Wonderful Brain Tumour Anxiety
  143. Terrified after brown vomit
  144. Constant headache/pains/burning forehead
  145. Brown Vomit and other symptoms
  146. Please Help!! Freaking out again!!
  147. Medication recommendations?
  148. Health anxiety throuh the roof...liver!!!!
  149. Worried about cold throat sensation during breath
  150. Thyroid and liver function. Feel my anxiety spiralling!!!
  151. Tumour shapes and types....please help me from Googling....
  152. Nervous about Reactive Arthritis
  153. Blood test abnormalities (Doctor said worried about lymphoma)
  154. Learning to trust doctor
  155. It's been a while
  156. back pain everywhere today
  157. Vision jerks health anxiety
  158. Getting random cold sweats on the tail end of the flu, please help
  159. Scared of germs etc. getting up nose
  160. Watering eye and messy sinuses
  161. Blood pressure high
  162. Acne literally all over my body
  163. what effect does anxiety play in your asthma
  164. I'm losing the battle
  165. Pain top of head when bending over
  166. High leukocytes in urine sample
  167. Please help who has had appendix/appendicitis so scared
  168. Tickling throat and dry cough
  169. Scared to take my medication
  170. Concerned wife has early onset alzheimer's
  171. depersonalisation/brain fog
  172. Melanoma (skin cancer) mole fears
  173. Cant stop worrying and thinking the worst
  174. Please tell me I'm thinking too much :(
  175. I need therapy, but having problems.
  176. Is this common with health anxiety?
  177. Is this a migraine
  178. Wheel of Fortune Health Anxiety
  179. Throat problems and life problems
  180. Diagnosed. What to do next to mentally prepare?
  181. Falling back into old habits. So disappointed in myself and also so scared!
  182. App for moles
  183. Falling down the rabbit hole
  184. Swollen Lymph Node - feel like a failure
  185. Did they get my diagnosis right?
  186. Test Results
  187. Swollen lymph nodes behind baby’s ears
  188. Scary mole on fiancés back. Please look
  189. Freckle on palm
  190. Now constant headache..?
  191. Here we go again :( Ears Ringing
  192. Fear of SFI Consuming Me
  193. Am I just being irrational? (Worried about blood clots and seizures)
  194. Painful sore throat
  195. 83 yr old mum on life support with no hope
  196. Does this sound logical? (My HA doesn't believe so)
  197. Rash on face and headaches
  198. Help please with avoiding my mental triggers
  199. Infected cut?? Worried about getting Sepsis?
  200. 5 year old temps
  201. Fear of illness on holiday
  202. Lump between shoulder and neck
  203. Migraine with aura? Or something else?
  204. Anyone else with headaches after a workout? Worried about a brain tumor :/
  205. Worrying without Symptoms
  206. Achy Legs from sitting too much.
  207. Neck lymph nodes ( glands) - someone respond please
  208. Vision Issues - need advice
  209. Restless leg syndrome
  210. Blood and Bladder
  211. At urgent care - super anxious.
  212. Food fear gwettingworse and worse, please respond
  213. Restarting my new year's resolution to beat health anxiety
  214. HUGE nose bleed?
  215. Sudden aching in both thighs?
  216. Lump on son's arm?
  217. Vision issues
  218. Child Headache
  219. Completely fed up (HA, Miscarriage and physical symptoms)
  220. My chest feels tight
  221. Chest pain
  222. Anyone had a mucocele removed?
  223. Buzzing in left foot...neurological fears
  224. Aneurysm worry.
  225. Hard Lump on Neck
  226. Small nose bleed
  227. Health anxiety has come back during pregnancy :(
  228. Panicking about lymphoma!
  229. Worried I've given myself a blood clot on the brain
  230. Got brave went to drs came out a mess
  231. Feel dizzy after not eating for only 3 hours
  232. Brain zap
  233. Headache won’t go away
  234. Pregnant and heart anxiety is raging
  235. Body temperature higher than normal.
  236. Asthma and anxiety is a nightmare
  237. My Worries
  238. Unexplained tender lymph node in groin area
  239. Are these night sweats? If so, should I be concerned?
  240. Cancer worries
  241. No Googling support thread
  242. Ultrasound results - scared out of my mind
  243. Experience with seeking help? Advice?
  244. Oral cancer this time...
  245. Health anxiety and large cyst
  246. Any Advice?
  247. So many things going on!?
  248. Dentist visit... oral cancer/lymph nodes/salivary glands
  249. I've hit a low point - feeling very afraid
  250. (Possible trigger.)Muscles sore like I worked out but haven’t.