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  1. Has anyone gotten to the point of questioning everything?
  2. Self referring to specialists
  3. I’m in class but freaking out over stomach pain
  4. Bruise - Humour me please!
  5. Do you have to be having a panic attack to feel dizzy?
  6. Depersonalization and issues initiating swallowing
  7. Sweating.
  8. First time here after lurking; HA taking over my life
  9. Normal heart rate
  10. Health anxiety sfi - insomnia
  11. Advice on going on holiday
  12. Has anyone here had palpable lymph nodes and everything was okay?
  13. I turned over a new leaf with my mental health yesterday -looking for some support.
  14. Advice needed
  15. terrified of romaine lettuce outbreak...anyone else?
  16. spitting blood when clearing throat... worried
  17. Typing issues?
  18. Terrified I'm gonna go into cardiac arrest due to possible myocarditis
  19. Results Day. Sick. Scared. Please help
  20. Changing and spreading on/off pain
  21. I need to pee even after I pee
  22. Dvt clot after fall
  23. Chest discomfort and breathlessness
  24. My bones feel smaller than I remembered..
  25. Can tooth pain cause pain to be this bad?
  26. Swollen Jaw?
  27. Interesting read (admin pls remove if not allowed)
  28. Diaphragm acting really strange
  29. Norovirus phobia
  30. Left side pain back again
  31. How long does it take to recover from this?
  32. Worried about blood or bone cancer
  33. Lymph nodes
  34. Worried i have Sporadic fatal Insomnia
  35. Nausea.
  36. Pregnancy - HA symptoms returning
  37. Anyone else have little lumps over their left rib cage?
  38. Blood Pressure and Health Anxiety
  39. Sore tongue, worried about oral cancer
  40. Scared of food poisoning and parasites...
  41. Tick/Lyme fear
  42. Swollen painful lymph node, upper thigh.
  43. Lump on chest
  44. Worrying about my daughter
  45. Spiraling and trying to be rational
  46. Morning anxiety - help
  47. Power of the mind
  48. Are there ways to effectively control white coat syndrome?
  49. Sound in chest
  50. Can’t believe how bad things have got!!
  51. I have extreme hypochondria, please help I am scared I contracted HIV from blood.
  52. Burning Throat-trying not to over analyze
  53. Chest aches and pains again!!
  54. really scared this time
  55. swallowing trouble and weight loss, terrified of esophageal cancer
  56. Mom has lung nodule - so scared!
  57. Will i Get sleep paralyses
  58. Had a dream about coughing blood OR WAS IT A DREAM?
  59. Awful.
  60. Health anxiety
  61. Convinced its MS
  62. Please help, going to doctor tomorrow over lumpy collarbone worries
  63. Blood test any coping techniques?
  64. How to stop this demon inside
  65. I can hear a whoosing sound in my ears, blocked ear - heartbeat sound?
  66. Awful pain behind right eye and forehead
  67. Health Anxiety headaches/pressure? Help...
  68. Skin infection?
  69. Wish I could be free of my cancer anxiety
  70. Stomach bug or worse?
  71. Lump in Calf
  72. Terrified—please don’t read if you’re triggered easily
  73. severe back pain please help
  74. I have healthy anxiety over my mom, possible COPD
  75. Having Costochondritis
  76. Child got bad diagnosis today
  77. Can I catch cancer through saliva?
  78. Fear Of Optimism
  79. Is this really visual/ocular migraine?
  80. Scared/please don't judge me
  81. Twitch over side of left lip
  82. Head was spinning before going to bed ?
  83. Thyroid tests
  84. So many aches and pains
  85. Absolutely terrified of the Hantavirus
  86. Melanoma - Referral to dermatologist
  87. Weight loss adding to cancer anxiety cycle
  88. Help please- got myself into terrible anx/panic
  89. Help please headache and numb face
  90. Lymph node/cyst
  91. Cyst on thumb
  92. Please help? Moving on and Moving forward
  93. Very afraid my worst fear has come true
  94. Need Someone who understands
  95. Blood On/Around Stool...
  96. Hepatitis c
  97. Please Help: Really Struggling - Feel Like I Cant Cope
  98. "the disease would spread while I'm not aware of"
  99. How did I get back to this place?
  100. DVT worry.
  101. Brain eating amoeba or parasites from bathtub
  102. Are these symptoms really from anxiety? HELP!
  103. Ate custard that tasted funny
  104. Please help - desperate
  105. Keep smelling smoke, other weird issue! Very scared :(
  106. Rib pain, lump and anxiety, help?
  107. Great podcasts for HA,OCD and anxiety
  108. Lump above Adams apple
  109. I was doing so well over ALS
  110. Squeak when I breathe in
  111. Head pains, worried sick
  112. Health anxiety, catastrophizing, and trust in our doctors
  113. Armpit obsession
  114. Broken blood vessel in eye when is it too frequent!
  115. Brain-eating amoeba (Naegleria fowleri)
  116. Sunburnt today feeling anxious
  117. Might have swallowed pieces of glass, extremely paranoid about voice
  118. How do we believe the doctor when there are so many stories about doctors being wrong
  119. Sitting outside doctors...
  120. Eye problems
  121. Lymph nodes (19yr male)
  122. Spiraling Health Anxiety
  123. Pupil size - I can’t take it anymore :(
  124. Lymphoma fear/constantly getting sick
  125. New fear
  126. Weak heart questions
  127. Burning skin feeling, but no anxiety?
  128. When health anxiety creeps in everything else in life seems to just melt away.
  129. Tonsil Stone?
  130. Worried over chest pain
  131. Left shoulder, bicep and neck pain
  132. Anxiety over rusty nail?
  133. Health Anxiety and Other Mental health issues
  134. What do you discuss with your therapist on regular CBT visits?
  135. Air getting into penis (isn't it called air embolism?
  136. I physically can't just ignore it
  137. Lump on back of neck. Cancer worries
  138. HA over ALS
  139. Power of anxiety or not
  140. A hard movable lump in lip ?
  141. coworker has a staph infection on finger, touched my phone/hand
  142. I have Raynauds and severely panicked!
  143. Diagnosed
  144. fear after eating out of date meat
  145. Brownish spider climbed onto me
  146. Another day, another fear
  147. Terrible relationship with food, is this an eating disorder
  148. Starburst shapes/quality in vision seems strange
  149. Lumps in abdomen - Sarcoma worry.
  150. Incidental finding on liver - panicked
  151. My anxiety/fears ruin my life
  152. Lump near eye/nose
  153. Tired short breath weak
  154. Anxiety cycle worst in the morning?
  155. I'm only 20... but i've just had a mole removed and multiple other health concerns
  156. What does scar tissue feel like? A hard lump?
  157. dry skin on arms, scab on freckle
  158. ENT Appointment in two weeks, HA off the radar
  159. I’m convinced im having MS ....Lost and 😞
  160. ALS - weak tongue?
  161. Blood and poo
  162. Adenoid Cystic carcinoma
  163. Bathroom issues
  164. HA taking over my life!
  165. Scared I ate contaminated fish
  166. Help! Need Reassurance!
  167. Stiff, aching fingers
  168. Spiralling out of control
  169. A round dent on my back
  170. CFS/ME is my new fear :( ...
  171. Gum infection.. can’t see a dentist until Tuesday, slightly worrying..
  172. TETANUS fears
  173. Cut lip & sore throat - scared of infection
  174. Can debris cause nodes to swell near throat?
  175. What would you do?
  176. DRs or not?!?!
  177. I Stepped on dead roadkill and my shoe then scratched my leg
  178. For Those Worried About Blood Clots
  179. Headache worry!
  180. Why the horrendous fear of MS?
  181. Really Desperate for Help
  182. Anxiety is taking over my life
  183. Cholesterol
  184. ALS Fear Relapse
  185. My Fear of Getting Cellulitis Again Is Back
  186. Health Anxiety or Unruptured Brain Aneurysm?
  187. Scared I will get thyroid cancer because of throat x ray as a child...
  188. Can anxiety cause fatigue?
  189. Jumpy, startle, electric, weak, trembling, shaky...
  190. Parasitic worm in chicken
  191. Back pain worries
  192. Why do people assume hypochondriacs are really just immature attention seekers?
  193. Stomach cramps and ovarian cancer fears
  194. Irrational concern? Food poisioning?
  195. Accidentally touched blood
  196. Small red dots.... worry me
  197. Muscle Weakness
  198. Vomiting with a cold?
  199. Lymph node concerns, struggling. Please help.
  200. Health Anxiety! A year in the life
  201. How Many Nodes Can You Feel?
  202. Ankle shake?
  203. Determined to feel normal again
  204. Oral Cancer/Mouth Cancer fears? Read this
  205. Oral Cancer Concerns - Was at Dentist
  206. HA was right before, scared it could be again
  207. Worried about liver
  208. Common Tale of Anxieties
  209. Excessive itch on upper arm now petatchie
  210. Health Anxiety Stomach Bug
  211. Anxiety Chills / Low Temp - Ever Had It?
  212. Tired heavy feeling when taking deep breaths?
  213. Scared to death of black mole/spot HELP
  214. What is this?
  215. Reposting about undiagnosed chest pain
  216. Chest pain while lying down?
  217. Blood in saliva
  218. Food feels stuck.
  219. Seven Months of Queasiness
  220. I have become so fearful - help please
  221. Terrified I have another kidney stone
  222. Possible hiatal hernia? Dangerous or no?
  223. Ebola :(
  224. Health Anxiety continuing to get worse, I need to vent and need people to talk to..
  225. I hit my knee hard. What if I broke my femur and I am dying without knowing??
  226. Jaw pain caused a HA relapse
  227. How to escape hypochondria?
  228. Dark blood spot on finger
  229. Eye still twitching after a year - what woul you do?
  230. Tetanus fears...scratched my arm with wire fencing outside...
  231. Waiting biopsy results anxious
  232. Living alone with hypochondria
  233. I think I might have lung cancer
  234. Strange chest sensation
  235. Just needing to rant about HA!
  236. Scared maybe I have Parkinson’s Disease
  237. Another tetanus thread...HA popping up again :(
  238. Still worried about throat cancer
  239. Worries over losing sight - bright white line occasionally moving across vision
  240. Radio 2 Health Anxiety
  241. Enlarged node in parotid region - extremely scared now.
  242. scared of more needed xray exposure
  243. Really scared of having a neurological disorder
  244. Common minor illness, anxiety or something to worry about?
  245. Scabby area on head
  246. Trigger warning...family member diagnosis has sent me spiraling...
  247. When to see a Dr?
  248. Back ache-tummy ache and strange toileting
  249. Anxiety and Urination
  250. high risk for melanoma...constant worry...sucking joy from my life