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  1. Lymphoma????
  2. Anxiety and contraceptives.
  3. i want to know
  4. Health Anxiety First Aid. Need Advice.
  5. Foot pain panic help me
  6. Really short stomach sharp pain when bending over just! :(
  7. Pulsimg sensation in stomach and chest
  8. Aching everywhere
  9. IBS or amaimething else ?
  10. plz plz help
  11. Another one testicular torsion I've over examined my self scared it twisted
  12. Intense & Severe Lower Back Pain
  13. Throat issues
  14. Is this really how it goes?
  15. hyperparathyroidism
  16. Haven very hard time
  17. A quick one can straining to pass wind give you appendicitis?
  18. Dental fears
  19. pins and needles
  20. plz help calm me ventriculat tach
  21. Daily fears that I will have a stroke or heart attack
  22. My update - 95% recovered!
  23. Black eye floaters
  24. Blood Pressure
  25. So angry and upset with drs
  26. Having a bad day, worried sick
  27. weird head feeling
  28. Very scared...
  29. Scared of potential problem?
  30. Gastritis in so much pain!
  31. sports injuries
  32. How do I cope with health anxiety
  33. Unexplained head pains & opticians said definitely not eyes
  34. Just curious about anxiety in crowds/ physical symptoms
  35. Experienced great anxiety --- now flu like symptoms
  36. Stomach feels pushed in or tensed up?
  37. Fatigue, bulge/lump under my collarbone
  38. Ever felt a knock that ruined your evening?
  39. Fear of Sudden Death Syndrome
  40. Scared of Lymphoma, Not Sure Where to Stop
  41. Health anxiety on a hole new high.
  42. Any alcohol drinkers out there?
  43. Question
  44. HA Back Again!
  45. impendiig death/doom help
  46. Please help me somebody
  47. Health anxiety after catching an STD
  48. Not coping anexitys back :
  49. has my son got sickness bug ?
  50. Humidity & headache
  51. Can't eat/swallow/bag digestion.
  52. Somatic Symptom Disorder?
  53. Please help me. Lymphoma scare
  54. Weird feeling in my calf
  55. Convincing myself
  56. anyone have any info on heart? new panic and im FREAKING
  57. Bowel worries again
  58. Anyone on propranolol?
  59. Tinnitus
  60. Really stressed and worried newbie
  61. Floaters, showers of them
  62. Slightly Anemic, Dr Wrote Scary Thing on My Test Results
  63. One day period, not pregnant, feeling sick and anxious NEVER missed a period
  64. really freaked out 2 nightmares about having a heart attack chest pain when I wake up
  65. First timer!
  66. how do you deal? maybe a trigger
  67. So scared about potential asbestos exposure
  68. intense dizziness ��
  69. Yes another bm question :( really want this to end
  70. How should i deal with this? Advice please
  71. rodds acute health anxiety
  72. Please help no one taking me seriously
  73. UPDATE - Please Read
  74. Just had my last CBT appointment...
  75. Stool sample
  76. Depression as a disease?
  77. Just had another meltdown, I need more help
  78. 50,000 iu a week of vitamin D causing panic?
  79. Scared of aneurysm
  80. Triggered by Facebook
  81. Totally overwhelmed & anybody else have this?
  82. One more question, and I'm going on holiday today
  83. Aching for days all over including calf and rib
  85. Help still worrying
  86. anxiety woken
  87. threadworms
  88. I'm so overwhelmed and tired of this hypoglycaemia anxiety
  89. Results
  90. Night sweats
  91. Don't know how normal people live
  92. Chest/jaw pain during exertion
  93. White spots in stool
  94. Help, cant get a diagonsis.
  95. Someone please explain what this means!
  96. such a mess
  97. Very bad chest/acid reflux/burping- advise please
  98. Constipation
  99. dont think i can take anymore
  100. Lump in throat, pressure on chest
  101. Insomnia
  102. Worried about colon cancer - severe symptoms - ibs?
  103. HA is bad, scared of cancer, and also... this is outside my control
  104. Cervical Radiculopathy
  105. trying to fight back so confused
  106. Feeling tortured! Convinced I have a brain tumour.
  107. opticians
  108. Hit in Neck. Stroke Risk?
  109. Pain in my upper tummy when I push it in sometimes
  110. help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  111. Sore throat left side only when swallowing
  112. Neck pain referred to shoulder blade
  113. help spent all day in ae hospotial
  114. Help. Really worried about unknown disease:(
  115. Brain tumour worries
  116. Hypoglycaemia or just anxiety?
  117. Ingrown hair wound will not heal, stressing me out a bit
  118. Aware of heart beat
  119. Well that relief didn't last long :( it's back black when wiping? Or something else
  120. Help panicking over ecg test noise
  121. Sertraline Panic
  122. Any advice on back pain please
  123. Can you get someone pregnant like this?
  124. curious
  125. does anyone suffer from problems with coagulation
  126. It's been a bad weekend...(long)
  127. anxious about eye exam
  128. Eyelid twitch
  129. How can I cope with this!
  130. lupus anticoagulant anyone
  131. TMI issue
  132. Sat in gyno unit but feel I need to be in neuro unit !!
  133. My asbestos experience
  134. Ok so I'm struggling with a few things need some reassurance :(
  135. Mild and brief tingling left palm and finger
  136. Fear of HPV
  137. New Fear - Leukemia (Random bruises on leg!)
  138. Formal into - serial worrier!
  139. 18 terrified of ALS
  140. 6 weeks and still a fuzzy head.
  141. Blood Test Results Letter - Health Anxiety Overload
  142. Blurred vision in right eye.
  143. Forgetfulness?
  144. Heart rate 48 bpm! !
  145. Eye & tongue twitching
  146. Low blood pressure / Vasovagal . Will it ever kill me?
  147. Ok so this bowel issue poo too hard to get out :(? need help
  148. Temperature..help
  149. Don't know where to turn to about current health fears about neurological issues
  150. Chills/achy lymph nodes
  151. softish lump on side of my forearm
  152. In tears. Never felt so scared.
  153. Moles and Regrets
  154. Changes during the day of the whites of my eyes
  155. Update on colonoscopy
  156. sore on side of tongue
  157. Slow heart attack
  158. Strange feeling in chest
  159. sudden breast panic . now feel like am having an anxitey attack
  160. I don't think I will ever learn how to cope with worry
  161. Always breast with me :-(
  162. Optical migraine sufferers.....
  163. Anyone had a mole frozen of - can you share your experience please?
  164. Bad constipation
  165. Heart palpatations
  166. HA Fruition??
  167. Have been doing better, by my HA has been kicking my tail as of late
  168. Convinced myself i've got diabetes. :(
  169. Radiation anxiety kindly guide
  170. d dimerfear
  171. any one get anxiety attacks while sleeping
  172. Scared of getting tested for diabetes?
  173. urinary symptoms causing anxiety or anxiety causing urinary symptoms?
  174. What is up with this remaining tenderness?
  175. finding it hard to believe this caused by stress,ibs or anxiety
  176. Wife had mole removed. I panic. Need perspective!
  177. So I was, am, doing well - freckles.
  178. Worring ruins my life!
  179. Weird eye movements
  180. Is this too silly to worry about?
  181. Meningitis fear for 4 months...
  182. Feel Feverish, but no Fever?
  183. Quick Question BP?
  184. Anxious feeling in chest
  185. Lump on thigh/bottom
  186. Anxious about test results/Blood presseure
  187. Dropped phone in tenple region. Worried
  188. I have a big trip planned - anxious!
  189. Scared about Lymphoma! I hate HA!!
  190. Ok making progress? More of an annoyance pressure in rectum
  191. Light trails of car headlights and sun's reflection
  192. Tender area/ breast
  193. White spots on nipple help!
  194. Hello :)
  195. Visual static from corduroy?
  196. Bruise on upper inner thigh...??
  197. argh am i beyond help
  198. Panicking that I've got ovarian/cervical cancer :(
  199. Lump Armpit - Gotta see doctor TODAY
  200. Scared i might go blind?
  201. Period change - ladies, is this okay?
  202. I really am 100% I have a brain tumour
  203. Neck gland swollen on ONE side only?
  204. ok one minute really anxious the next
  205. Help!! Is this my tonsil??
  206. Health anxiety destroying my life
  207. Snotty not sniffly
  208. Itchy burning red splotches on back neck and shoulders HIV?
  209. Bladder cancer fears.. help
  210. feel like i'm falling apart. Anyone?
  211. I feel crazy
  212. Shaking & Weakness
  213. Afraid of front teeth falling out.
  214. Food Aspiration
  215. Breast exam/ultrasound
  216. Health Anxiety T-Shirt
  217. My blog that may be useful for some
  218. Poked in the thoat/neck!
  219. urine
  220. Advice please! Therapy woes - 3rd time now!
  221. Melanoma fear
  222. Twitching muscles--Not my ALS fear, but fear for my wife
  223. Cramps back of both knees?
  224. Small bump roof of mouth
  225. No :( this is another level panic, panicking about various things need help
  226. Positivity
  227. UPDATE - Results on Throat
  228. Can someone help me!
  229. Small cut in lake??
  230. Over one freckle worry, now another one.
  231. What warrants an Mri? Brain tumour worries
  232. Hair loss
  233. Hair loss..I'm trying really hard to rationalize...
  234. Leg Pain With No Bruise
  235. Alcohol, Liver, IBS?
  236. Worrying about deep chest spasms/vibrations
  237. You CAN get better, I have!
  238. concerned about old/degraded medication?
  239. Veins and other things :( opinions?
  240. Anxiety every second of the day
  241. Please read an reassure me!!! Breathless day after drinking alcohol!
  242. Swollen lymph nodes
  243. FED UP and scared. Please read....
  244. Constant panic of brain tumor
  245. Water up nose in Nepal, scared of Naegleria Fowleri
  246. Went to hospital heart rate is going loopy
  247. meditation! Hope to help someone out there :)
  248. A Positive post
  249. Lymph nodes in neck
  250. Dermatology, moles and melanoma!!