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  1. Tips on coping with/overcoming HA?
  2. Weird flu :( help? Is it a flu?
  3. Bronchitis/Pneumonia?
  4. Bringing a friend to an appointment
  5. Lymph nodes feel larger today than yesterday.
  6. Me again. Lupus fear.
  7. I'm back!!!
  8. Crunch sound in neck muscle
  9. Skin Cancer?!
  10. Anxious!! I bumped my forehead
  11. Anxious/stressed overwhelmed... HA coming back...
  12. feel little lumps above pubic bone
  13. swollen lymph node on back of head?
  14. Night sweats
  15. Why now? And not when I was actually stressed?
  16. Iron deficiency - scared of stomach/bowel cancer
  17. Feeling low and worried
  18. Anxiety worse in the mornings? Anyone else?
  19. Just had MRI scan - now I'm terrified
  20. pain in chest area
  21. Not sure what to do in terms of my anxiety and depression any more.
  22. Morning headache
  23. Very anxious about headache after bumping my head :(
  24. Positive fobt
  25. rash on breast??
  26. Flashes/Floaters Increasing month on month after barrage laser
  27. Feeling sick after I eat.
  28. So fed up of feeling this way!!
  29. New to all this!!!!!
  30. Brain Tumour....again!
  31. Lung Cancer worry feeling over whelmed
  32. convinced I have mouth cancer
  33. I cried today because I was upset and annoyed...
  34. Recovery - too good to be true?
  35. Super Anxious - Black dots / Specks Toilet Paper
  36. blood in phlegm!
  37. Feel very full after eating pizza. Spleen worries
  38. Sciatica Experiences ?
  39. Palpitations (and weed)
  40. Emphasema/COPD
  41. Too much detail in posts
  42. Weird throat pain
  43. woke up with a horrible squeezing around heart, help please
  44. Infected cut
  45. how to stay calm during diagnosis process?
  46. Health anxiety becoming upbareable
  47. Internal bleeding?!?!
  48. Petrified of Stomach/Colon Cancer
  49. Is this an infection maybe?
  50. How trained how pharmacists?
  51. So worried about Asbestos please help!
  52. anxiety and tiredness
  53. Losing it I think :-(
  54. Blood clot
  55. Rang doc and feel worse now, wish I hadn't rang.
  56. Petachie?
  57. Having a really bad day - just need support
  58. melanoma
  59. Sleep pattern and fatigue
  60. Weight loss?!
  61. blocked ear
  62. asian HA
  63. Weird sensation
  64. Neck broken/fractured ��
  65. Feeling low and just wanted to reach out
  66. I shouldn't have googled 😢
  67. cant stop thinki about death!
  68. Just completed medical questionnaire..
  69. How the heck can I get off these tablets...anxiety through the roof
  70. Can an ankle sprain cause a blood clot?
  71. Leg and knee cramps?
  72. Back into full panic mode :(
  73. Small moveable node in side of jaw?
  74. Posters, adverts, advice: A Moan!
  75. Sensation of someone poking me/pressure upper back between shoulders left side
  76. Update on lump
  77. Feeling awful :(
  78. breathing
  79. Pre-employment Medical Tests
  80. Left Shoulder Pain
  81. Feeling anxious again.
  82. Complete meltdown, 100% convinced I'm dying :(
  83. Felt more positive but then, knocked back down :-(
  84. I have a cold and my knee aches...
  85. Scared... too much paracetamol ?
  86. Swollen gland, ear ache, swollen eye??? Sigh
  87. breast rash
  88. Swallowed Glass! Help!
  89. Very slow pulse / heart rate
  90. Panicking again
  91. Anxiety problems, always think I'm dying from something.
  92. Cancer fears again.... petechiae following a rash?
  93. every head bump makes me think I damaged my brain
  94. Off to the doctor...and getting worried
  95. Nausea really worried
  96. Should I take antibiotics?
  97. horrible center of chest pain getting worse need help
  98. Burning/stingy sensation in front o neck/jaw/face area
  99. Sleep - what's the issue? (DISCUSSION)
  100. Blood clot/ calf and home blood pressure machine
  101. Blood pressure gone up
  102. Red rash behind ear/neck
  103. Slightly stiff jaw on the right side?
  104. Shingles anyone?
  105. Anxiety causing severe jaw problems?
  106. diets and cutting down.
  107. Hair/fluff stuck horizontally over iris...
  108. Panicking again.
  109. Finally had the courage to have a rapid HIV test
  110. A little help or encouragement
  111. Lymph nodes/stomach pain-please help :(
  112. Pulmonary embolism ... I don't want to Google. Help me think logically
  113. Foamy urine, like pissing champagne LOL?
  114. Unrelated - how many times do you bicker with OH?
  115. I can't take this any more
  116. All smells and tastes like rotting flesh
  117. Massive dilemma- Operation
  118. pain in chest
  119. Spotting/Bleeding Mid Cycle?
  120. Countless anxiety attacks tonight
  121. Another brain tumor worrier
  122. Left leg/foot is colder than the other...
  123. Weird throat sensation - comes & goes
  124. Digital blood pressure app
  125. a few days old solar plexus injury(anxiety)
  126. sharp pain down left arm
  127. Mole changed colour
  128. worry
  129. Ankle swelling and weight gain, worried about heart failure
  130. Lung Nodules
  131. Health Anxiety or something else?
  132. Terrified beuomd belief-- every symptom of brain tumor. Please please help!!!'
  133. Jaw still slightly stiffi one sided?
  134. Struggling big time please help
  135. Now that's progress
  136. Panic alert!
  137. sharp head pains
  138. Freaking Out :(
  139. been diagnosed with hiatal now what?
  140. Foggy headed and Anxiety
  141. Back on the wagon
  142. Ladies! Spotting on the pill.
  143. Pin prick sensations .... Again
  144. Test results triggered my anxiety disorder again.
  145. gasping for air during sleep.
  146. Legs tingling and feels weak
  147. I got desperate and asked an online doctor ... Blood clot
  148. Some positivity at last, thanks all xx
  149. Constant feeling of panic past few weeks
  150. Waiting for blood test results
  151. Neuro symptoms...Only getting worse...
  152. Normal CBC
  153. Red Ears
  154. Acidy burning throat
  155. Terrified of possible sleep apnea
  156. New member.. HA stealing my life after finding lump in jaw!
  157. Really down at the moment
  158. Ferritin has been low for 4 years - now up to 80 but still feel dreadful!
  159. Me and my jaw again
  160. So scared of pancreatic cancer.. Please help
  161. update on weird mole..
  162. absolutely, positively, terrified of throat/tonsil cancer
  163. Absolutely terrified please please help
  164. I'm trying to be logical...
  165. Boil, bug bite? (Photo included)
  166. new member
  167. At my wits end. I'm constantly poorly. Am I dieing?
  168. Experiences of citalopram
  169. Exhausted...just wanna be okay.
  170. Can I catch worms from my cat? I touched it!
  171. Brain tumor fear
  172. Hyperventilation and whole body numbness
  173. Pulse on finger?
  174. HA up again :-( Night sweats
  175. Somatoform disorder manifesting physical symptoms.
  176. TMI DISCHARGE - have I aggravated my cervix?
  177. How to beat overactive bladder?
  178. Bad experience at consultant appointment
  179. Worried about Ovarian C
  180. Red Spots- So scared
  181. HA Official diagnosis
  182. Just need to tell someone
  183. Constant Worry About My Health
  184. Scared to make future plans...
  185. CT with CONTRAST - tomorrow and I'm terrified
  186. Ill for what feels like forever!
  187. Prostate cancer worries
  188. hit in head by falling door
  189. Long-Lasting Stiff Neck?
  190. lump
  191. Red spot on Eyelid. Convinced it's Eyelid Cancer.
  192. Anybody know?
  193. Unsure and paranoid(?)
  194. Swollen Lymph Node Behind Ear...advice please
  195. Anyone awake?
  196. Does anyone else worry about rarer illnesses?
  197. Tinnitus...
  198. What the hell is wrong with me
  199. Napping is not fatigue, right?
  200. Men ACWY vacc
  201. Sensitive to Light
  202. Have I drank too much water?!?!?!?
  203. TMD/TMJ?
  204. Me again. Leg feels bruise, no bruise.
  205. Anyone else paranoid?
  207. Does anyone get skin rashes?
  208. The REAL Health Anxiety Saga!
  209. No be worried on weekends? Lol
  210. Breast pain
  211. sleeping
  212. Now worried about IBC
  213. dent in thigh :( als mnd
  214. Colon/Rectal Cancer fear
  215. Worried. Weaker antibiotic after a strongoing one
  216. *dont shoot* anyone had a toenail split vertically?
  217. worrying myself silly over blood test results.
  218. Sore hands and feet
  219. Did I have a Stroke?
  220. I'm so scared, about lump on leg and "C" word.
  221. Back pain update (lovely news inc.)
  222. Former Hypochondriac Here to Help all of you
  223. Eyes and body twitch when I close my eyes.
  224. Going back to the Doctor
  225. Hypochondria? Or serious physical health issues?
  226. i am so scared!! Ears!!
  227. Think I've got skin cancer panicking !!
  228. Trouble with words ???
  229. Sinusitis
  230. Health Anxiety Relapse
  231. Blood clot from sitting in a wheelchair???
  232. Ringing sensation in head?
  233. Still struggling
  234. Dizzy/head rush when getting up after looking at phone.
  235. Pressure in head
  236. First post- terrified of dying
  237. Is this my nerves??
  238. Skin hurts
  239. I am so worried about my dad :(
  240. Health anxiety interfering with everyday life :(
  241. Worried CT Missed Something
  242. Lump, freaking out
  243. Leg with bruises.
  244. cbt ?
  245. The most bat sh*t crazy thing you've done or thought
  246. Mild headache issue again PLEASE respond
  247. Meds and reaction
  248. anyone had gallbladder pain very bad back pain very anxious. Heart attack worry but
  249. constant fear for health so sick of it!!! cant do it no more
  250. Scared someone I love has made me ill