View Full Version : Coronavirus / COVID-19

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  1. Covid finally got us :(
  2. That Announcement Today (England)
  3. Covid buddies? Anyone ? :-)
  4. The Covid Club
  5. Swollen Lymph Node - very anxious
  6. Still have awful cough and sinus/nasal congestion
  7. Tested positive for Covid - lots of anxiety
  8. Covid Positive
  9. Tested Positive - Only had one jab
  10. Anxiety of booster shot side effects AFTER having COVID in January
  11. Covid or allergic reactions?
  12. My Covid experience so far
  13. Covid
  14. Fear of getting COVID again
  15. Tested positive - panicking over headache
  16. Not coping 😞
  17. Covid vaccine please read
  18. Scared of long covid - loss of taste with omicron
  19. Shortness of breath
  20. Worried about heart after COVID.
  21. Anyone got experience of this
  22. Contagiousness of covid
  23. Covid panic feel ok but scared it's going to go downhill
  24. I'm back, and so is covid 😣😷
  25. Was doing ok but anxiety is through the damn roof feeling in throat pnuemonia worries
  26. My fear of covid is destroying my life
  27. Muscle twitching since covid booster
  28. Ebola vs Covid
  29. Monkeypox vs Covid
  30. Anxiety about my booster shot tomorrow
  31. Advice for staying calm while sick with COVID
  32. Husband is Covid positive
  33. Daily mail
  34. Covid reinfection. Freaking out.
  35. Day 8 of COVID and still dealing with congestion
  36. What happened to MRSA?
  37. Covid and nausea
  38. Am I going to be alright? (Covid)
  39. First positive covid test and panicking
  40. I knew it would happen eventually…
  41. Chances of having covid again in less than 3 months ?
  42. What happened to the 'new normal'?
  43. To Paxlovid or Not!?
  44. Renewed Covid Dispair
  45. Covid and stomach pains
  46. Tested positive for Covid. Worried that I'll have a severe outcome.
  47. Is bleeding normal during covid vaccine?
  48. How to cope with fear of covid when nobody wears masks anymore?
  49. Covid Worries
  50. Covid round 2 - positive post
  51. Covid - Recovery
  52. I think this is covid
  53. Post Covid Weird Sensation - feels like hair in back of throat or back of tongue?????
  54. But if a freak out about having covid
  55. Vaccination side effects
  56. Tested positive for Covid for the first time and terrified
  57. Do I wait to get my booster?
  58. Covid worries. Please help.
  59. How long did you guys test positive?
  60. What's happened to the extensive media coverage of Covid lately?
  61. Worried again about COVID.
  62. Covid Club
  63. Why is this forum hard to find?
  64. Anxiety high again
  65. Covid hypochondria
  66. Covid? Not Covid? Spiralling
  67. I have Covid and I’m scared?
  68. Strep A vs Covid
  69. Covid and weird sleep issues - help!!!!
  70. Who here has had COVID?
  71. The young lad is struggling a bit
  72. NHS Advice Post Covid
  73. Blech, got Covid again
  74. Still getting breathlessness a month after COVID and chest infection.
  75. We're all going to get COVID XBB 1 5 whether you're vaccinated or not :(
  76. I got COVID again :(
  77. Covid Again... More nervous than I expected!
  78. Anyone else unvaccinated? They've basically stopped the vaccine already
  79. How quickly can you be reinfected?
  80. Worrying today
  81. Latest Covid variant
  82. I’m worrying today, friend has covid and I was with her on Saturday
  83. How common is catching covid again after having it a little less than a month ago?
  84. The Covid Inquiry (UK)
  85. Always tired/sleeping after Covid [WORRIED]
  86. Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.
  87. First Time with Covid, Starting to Make me Anxious
  88. My Wife's post covid ear and throat issues...worried it is something worse
  89. Covid and blame gaming
  90. Tested positive for covid yesterday, really trying not to spiral :(
  91. Getting bad anxiety that I have covid and am going to die because I'm high risk.
  92. Kid has Covid - So tired of this!!!
  93. Only New Zealand and Malaysia still publishing Covid stats in 2024 so far
  94. Positive :(
  95. Does testing still show COVID?